How Do I Join?

So you want to join? Let us help you

We love to welcome new members.  So whether you want to get fit or fitter, try something different (a mud bath at Minnis Bay XC or throwing a javelin in Norman Park?) or if you just simply want a social, friendly run with supportive people, why not come and try Bromley Vets. There is no obligation to join our club at first. Come along and run with us for up to two occasions and then if you like what you see and wish to join, we'd be pleased to welcome you as a member.

Membership information  

Membership of BVAC is annual, with subscriptions due on 1st January each year.  We use an online system to apply for membership or for existing members to renew.  Options include Standard First Claim, Second Claim and Social / Non Runner.  We also offer an Early Bird Discount on Standard first Claim subscriptions that are renewed  AND paid before the 31st December.   

We use the online webcollect system to manage memberships, just go to BVAC home on WebCollect to apply to join or to update your details if you are an existing member.  If you pay by electronic bank transfer (our preference),  the webcollect system will generate a code which you can then use with your on-line bank.  Our Membership Secretary will give you our bank account details. 

The Benefits of joining BVAC include:

  • reduced cost of entry to various runs/ races (as long as England Athletics licence number or URN is held)
  • 10% discount at certain running/sports shops (e.g. Run and Become, London)
  • regular training runs at no extra cost
  • chance to take part in Southern Counties Veterans track & field league
  • chance to take part in Kent Fitness cross country league
  • opportunity to join other members in social membership of Parklangley Club*
  • entry to club ballot for guaranteed London Marathon places
  • annual dinner  


If you have any questions contact our Membership Secretary: Jeanette Elven  Tel: 07801 035435 ;  email:


*Terms of Social membership of The Park Langley Club, as applied to members of BVAC 

BVAC pays an annual fee which permits all BVAC members to be social members of the Parklangley Club.  As a social member you may: 

  • use the club bar and catering facilities, i.e. have a drink and/or meal there and be accompanied by non-members  
  • use the showers, sauna and steam room 
  • use the meeting rooms (these have to be booked in advance) 
  • use the notice boards (BVAC has a notice board at the Parklangley Club) 
  • book meals, e.g. for a group or party 

In addition, you may use the Sports Injury Clinic, the Club Shop and attend any of the aerobics, yoga, Ceroc and pilates activities in the studio which will require payment of session fees.  All social members receive regular newsletters and details of all activities at the Parklangley Club and are invited to attend and vote at the Parklangley Club AGM#.

# emails from The Parklangley Club are sent to BVAC members via the club email address and are then forwarded to members.