Training on Thursday Evenings

Thursday Runs


Coaching /Training Sessions 

We are fortunate to have a number of qualified coaches and run leaders in the club.  We aim to have structured Training sessions of around one hour each Thursday.  Training session locations and times are advertised on the Google sheet run schedule, emailed out weekly to members. ALL ABILITIES WELCOME. 

Paced runs

For those who do not wish to do a structured training session, members can join a Run Leader on a paced run, leaving from Wickham Way outside Parklangley Club at 7.15pm. Run Leaders will add their names and pace of the group to the run schedule, as for Tuesday evenings. The number of groups and paces offered will depend on Run Leaders' availibility.

Naked Run

On the last Thursday of each month  throughout the year – Naked Run from the Parklangley Club. 

You are asked to estimate your time for a run of approximately 3 or 5 miles - you choose which distance you wish to run; the runner finishing closest to their estimated time wins half of the prize kitty. All good fun for a £2 contribution: £1 goes to the prize kitty and £1 to the collection for the charity chosen by BVAC members for the year. Please come clothed, but without your watch!! Be there by 7:00pm for a 7:15pm start  to register and check the route map. 

For information on this month's Naked Run please see the our Facebook and WhatsApp pages (members only) where the routes are posted.  

Afterwards, we gather in the bar for a social drink and / or meal. Remember that as social members, BVAC members can use the shower and changing facilities at the Parklangley Club.

Note that on the Naked Run evenings, paced group runs will not go ahead, but Training sessions will still be offered.


Meet outside Parklangley Club

May-Aug - cross country runs; 
meeting at various locations

Sign up on the weekly run schedule

Tuesday Evenings 7.15pm

Cross Country Run

1st and 3rd Weds of the month.

Check run schedule for start
location and time.

Weds Mornings

Training sessions / Mixed ability social run

Training - Check the weekly run schedule
for meeting places/times

Group social run - leaving Parklangley Club
at 7.15pm

Thursday Evenings

Information & Reports

Latest Naked results

BVAC Naked run - 25 Jul 2024

Congratulations to the 18 clubs members who took part in the July naked run.

Natalie Price came top, finishing 2 seconds off her predicted time, closely followed by Pat Cliffe.

Thank you to Terry Macdonald for organising the event.